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triangle treasury $16.40
Curious Crochet Creatures $55.00
fast, easy, fun crochet $24.50
crochet journey $78.50
easy afghans $10.00
learn to crochet $14.00
homespun crochet issue 5 $15.50
pool table tissue box cover pattern $32.80
special stitches place mats $7.95
Kumihimu Loom 15cm $6.50
itty bitty animals $17.95
Sixteen Coathanger Covers to Crochet $14.50
top down sweaters $15.95
hooked on hats $15.95
love stitches $25.10
crocheted outfits for dolls and prem babies $16.50
fair isle crochet workshop $42.50
magcromhly331 $9.00
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Total $729.35 (includes $66.29 Tax)

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